Friday, November 19, 2010

LOVEly bits and pieces

     "It is not how much we do,
but how much love
we put into doing it."

Silvery Love

 When I received a sudden but most exciting engagement announcement I had to spring into action quickly - without the aid of my local craft haven.

This card was received with such amazing joy and wonder that I couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed. After all, it had simply been made from all sorts of bits and pieces of thingies and doo dahs I had accumulated in my craft cupboard! Over the many years that crafters fiddle, buy, create, buy some more, faddle, buy yet again and enjoy, they tend to end up with 'one of this', 'half a packet of that' and 'a couple of these'; nothing of which generally matches anything else (so you have to go and buy some more!).

I hope you agree that the end product isn't half bad.  The love and happiness that fills this card, more than makes up for the odds and ends! 

Forever Carding

PS The craft cupboard never even noticed the bare spaces - they were quickly filled up again.

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